Friday, May 4, 2012

I'm Obsessed with the show Horder's

Over the last two weeks, I've become completely obsessed with this show.

I've sort of been on bed rest for the past couple of weeks and besides school work the only programs I'm able to watch is whatever is available on Netflix. I would see this show on cable and sort of bypass it but I'm so sorry I did because it is amazing.  I really didn't realize the mental issues that come along with hoarding.  Many of the hoarders suffered some kind of trauma in their life that triggered their hording tendencies.  I also equated hoarding with hoarding stuff I never really factored things like a person hoarding trash or animals in their home.  The entire process of them seeking therapy and taking the steps to unhoard (not sure if that is a word) their home and gain their life back is completely fascinating me.

My favorite episodes are the trash, pet, and food hoarders.  It just blows my mind why someone would be attached to an empty cereal box, or moldy cheese or would allow 36 rabbits to run free and destroy their home.  I can't wait to start the 2011 season since I've watched all 46 episodes of 2010.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Blog, Blog, Blog...I hate the new look of!  Why mess with something when it was so easy to work with before. Is it just me or do you also find it irritating when all of a sudden what was familiar and easy to use is now unfamiliar and complicated.  They say they make the changes to make the sites more user friendly.  That's Bullish!  This crap is just confusing and designed to piss off the site user.  They add all these features that aren't necessary and the average blogger probably won't use.  At least give us the option of keeping the old format or upgrading this new piece of $h!# format.  I guess by now you can figure out that I'm one of those people who don't mind some changes but hates dramatic changes (like to this site) all at once.  Now that pisses me off! 

I know this is some random rant but I had to get it off my chest because I really hate this type of $h!#

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Luggage Wars! The Next Big Auction Reality Show

Have you ever gone on vacation and your luggage didn't make it to your vacation destination?  The entire trip your luggage/suitcase is missing but you proceed anyway with the vacation of your dreams.  A few months go by and you call the airline at least twice a week to see if your item has been found.  Finally they call you to pick up your baggage and you rush right over after work to claim your lost luggage.

However, have you ever wondered what happens to unclaimed luggage? Well their is a new show that shows you.  Thousands of unclaimed luggage from U.S. and International flights from around the globe are auctioned off yearly to the highest bidder.  Just like Storage Wars (where storage companies auction off storage units that have been left unpaid for a period of time), Luggage Wars auction off different types of luggage such as duffel bags, suitcases, and carry-on's without bidders being able to see what is inside each bag up for auction.  Bidders judge the bag by its outward appearance, the airline it was on and the country it came from all in the hopes of hitting the jackpot for some expensive valuables waiting inside the luggage.

Perhaps it’s the troubled economy that has people looking for alternate means of making extra money on the side. Maybe it’s the pure excitement of bidding on a storage unit or a container without knowing for sure what’s inside but Americans are hooked on bidding wars shows.  This show just like Auction Wars, Pawn Stars and Storage Wars is just as exciting and Luggage Wars is slated to be the next big bidding war show phenomenon. 

One young-man (a new bidder) spent $1700 dollars cash on a Louis Vuitton duffel bag only to find a pair of new Chanel shoes worth $800 dollars, $4000 pair of diamond earrings, and an iPad 2.  He definitely made a great purchase and made his investment back and then some.  However, other bidders made high purchases on luggage and made no money because their bags contained just basic travel items (pajamas, underwear, Ipod nano, toiletries) inside.

The show comes on Spike TV which is the man version of Lifetime Television. You will need to check your local cable/satellite network to find out showtimes in your area.  

Really entertaining and interesting to watch and I think you will enjoy it, just as I did!

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Find Our Missing on TV One

Find Our Missing hosted by S. Epatha Merkersen (of Law and Order Fame: Is designed to "draw attention" to missing black Americans whose disappearances have mostly gone unnoticed by the national media.  I’ve been watching a similar show on the ID Channel (for last three years) and they may showcase 10 or so episodes each season and maybe one out of the ten missing showcased will be African American.

This may be overstating the obvious, but if you are black and if you go missing, your chances of becoming the main focus of a relentless, obsessive, exhaustive discussion by Nancy Grace on CNN is slim to none (or ZERO). This certainly isn't to suggest that all missing white people will get that treatment, but the odds are better than zero and much better if the subject is blond and female.  TV One, to its credit, isn't pointing fingers or griping, and, in fact, notes in their piece when both local media and police coverage was quick and responsive. Pictures on milk carton just aren’t enough anymore to get the missing’s message across but a well produced series like this just might.  So I’m so proud of TV One for being daring enough to put on this show because this is the first time in history that a show is solely dedicated to missing African Americans of all ages, sexual orientation and gender.

The series premiered back in January of 2012 but you can catch all the repeats on TV One on Wednesdays at 10 pm.  I urge everyone to check it out and support this ground breaking new show to return for a second season on TV One.  We need to let the media know that our missing people are just as important as other racial groups.

Below is a short clip from the show on Jaliek Rainwalker (a missing child) who's foster parents are suspected in his disappearance. 

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

My Reality

Quick Update:
Really hard lately to get my posts in.  My mom was in the hospital battling pneumonia for 2 1/2 weeks then she went on to a physical rehab for 3 weeks (due to her being weak from the pneumonia) and she just got home last Friday only to be back in the hospital today for another 2 days for surgery.  I've been busy taking care of my dad and running back and forth to the hospital to check on mom.  

School work is getting really really really hectic and I'm struggling with the fatigue from being pregnant.  Just tired guys and stressed but I promise to get up to speed with the shows over the weekend and update the blog.  

My schedule is tight but I'll get those RealityTvMePlease posts in this week.

What's shows are on my list this week to blog about:
Real Housewives of Atlanta (Bravo)
Basketball Wives (VHI)
Mob Wives (VHI)
Triple D: Diners, Drive-ins and Dives (Food Network)

Thursday, March 15, 2012

My Reality

My Reality is another new section I'm adding to my blog and it chronicles what is going on in my everyday life.

This week has been tough because I'm battling an allergy induced sore throat. This is day 3 and nothing seems to be working so I'm definitely going to the hospital tomorrow so that I'm okay before school starts on Monday.  I'm taking Benadryl elixir for the watery eyes and Tylenol extra strength for the sore throat but there's not much else I can take over-the-counter because I'm pregnant. 
The Benadryl makes me very sleepy so I'm a little behind on my RealityTvMe bogging but I promise to get caught up in the next day couple of days.

I think my next two blog entries will be about Mob Wives and Basketball Wives both highly successful reality shows featured on VHI.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Reality Randomness

This is a new section of my blog I'm introducing called Reality Randomness.  Reality Randomness is just random topics that I want to post to my blog that have nothing to do with reality TV.  Whatever is on my mind that just came out of left field, sometimes the random topics will be serious, other times funny, or silly.  Today on RealityTvMe we are celebrating Reality Randomness!

My mom has been in the hospital for the last two weeks battling pneumonia and issues associated with her diabetes.  She’s been so down about her illnesses and it seems during hospital visits that’s all she focuses on is her dialysis, pneumonia, and her out-of-control diabetes.  So to lighten the mood yesterday, I decided to focus her attention on something other than her illness.  We first got on the topic of sports and that seemed to brighten her spirits quickly and immediately sent my mother into the discussion of the Patriots.  One thing you need to know about my mom is she’s a diehard Patriots and Celtics fan, if you want to get her going then talk about the Patriots and her love for the players (past and present).  As a matter of fact she’s still reeling from the Randy Moss trade from a few years back and the recent Super Bowl loss which she swears we would’ve won if Randy was still there.  Don’t ask me why and I’m not even sure how we got on the topic of the Star Spangled Banner but we did and my sister, mom and I were discussing the top 2 best renditions of the Star Spangled Banner we’ve ever heard in our life. The two selections were easy ones for us, Whitney Houston’s 1991 Super Bowl national anthem and Marvin Gaye’s 1983 All Star Game national anthem but choosing who was number one and two become a heated debate between the three of us.  The battle of the top spot got so heated that even the nurses assigned to my mom’s room got into the mix and casted their vote for the best amongst the two.  My mother and sister thought Whitney Houston then Marvin Gaye and I thought the reverse Marvin Gaye and then Whitney Houston.  Okay let me give you my reason why I put them in that order.

I chose Whitney as number two because her rendition of the national anthem was purely patriotic (which it should be and is suppose to be).  She sang the hell out of the Star Spangled Banner!  When we YouTubed her video on my Smartphone, gosh it brought tears to my eyes.  I know it sounds corny but I felt so proud to be an American and she brought that feeling out of me.  I remember the press and the media going crazy for Whitney’s rendition and again it is a fantastic rendition and one that does deserve respect but the top spot? In true Whitney fashion "Hell to the Naw"!

However, Marvin’s version was pure fucking electric sex, an R&B rendition that just makes you want to party.  This man turned the Star Spangled Banner out!  He brought it to a level of sexiness that I can’t even describe.  He even changed the beat to it (who does that?).  His version sounded like it could be a top ten hit on an R&B or Pop station right now.  I was too young then but if I was the age I am now, I could see myself with a bottle of wine and some lingerie about to get some good loving off his national anthem.  He brought a uniqueness in sound and rhythm that I haven’t heard from any other anthem performance (that I can remember).  He wasn’t trying too hard he was just being Marvin.  What artist say, he had that IT factor, pure charisma, and natural swagger.  Even his physical appearance at the show said he was dressing for a ladies concert not a sports event.  With the mean three piece suit, with the pocket hankie, dark classes, crisp haircut and newly lined beard.  I’ve never seen a national anthem where the ladies are screaming I love you and the people clap like their at a musical concert.  It’s just a beautiful thing to see and again just so DAMN SEXY.  This is why I just have to put Marvin Gaye at number 1 on my list.  

However, if you time in your busy life I hope you can review the two videos and post what you think about the National Anthem performances by Whitney Houston and Marvin Gaye.